VHD System Prices

THORN EMI Video Disc Manufacturing Limited
Metropolis House
39-45 Tottenham Court Road
London W1P 9PD
telephone 01-636 7694
telex 296539

Disc Mastering

One side with 60 minutes programme capacity£1,750.00
Two sides with 120 minutes programme capacity£3,500.00

Disc Pressing

Prices for one or two-sided videodiscs (PAL/NTSC compatible_ with cases inside plain jackets.

per disc
(Special pricing for volumes over 1000)

Repeat order

If a request is made for the Swindon Plant to retain the master disc materials, repeat orders can be accepted at a later stage without re-mastering. A charge of £300.00 per disc side will be made for this service at the time of re-ordering, in addition to disc pressing charges.

The VHD player

THORN EMI Videodisc Player MODEL 3D01 with infra-red Remote Control£395.00

The interface

THORN EMI Videodisc VHD Computer Interface MODEL 3D02£95.00

THORN EMI VIDEODISC equipment carries a twelve months warranty.
Prices are exclusive of VAT and are subject to change without prior notification.
Full terms and conditions available on application.

A THORN EMI company
Registered Office: THORN EMI House, Upper Saint Martin’s Lane, London WC2H 9ED. Registered in England No 673395