VHD System Prices

THORN EMI Video Disc Manufacturing Limited
Metropolis House
39-45 Tottenham Court Road
London W1P 9PD
telephone 01-636 7694
telex 296539

Disc Mastering

One side with 60 minutes programme capacity£1,750.00
Two sides with 120 minutes programme capacity£3,500.00

Disc Pressing

Prices for one or two-sided videodiscs (PAL/NTSC compatible_ with cases inside plain jackets.

per disc
(Special pricing for volumes over 1000)

Repeat order

If a request is made for the Swindon Plant to retain the master disc materials, repeat orders can be accepted at a later stage without re-mastering. A charge of £300.00 per disc side will be made for this service at the time of re-ordering, in addition to disc pressing charges.

The VHD player

THORN EMI Videodisc Player MODEL 3D01 with infra-red Remote Control£395.00

The interface

THORN EMI Videodisc VHD Computer Interface MODEL 3D02£95.00

THORN EMI VIDEODISC equipment carries a twelve months warranty.
Prices are exclusive of VAT and are subject to change without prior notification.
Full terms and conditions available on application.

A THORN EMI company
Registered Office: THORN EMI House, Upper Saint Martin’s Lane, London WC2H 9ED. Registered in England No 673395

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Author: Thorn EMI Videodisc

Thorn EMI was formed in 1979 from the merger of Thorn Electrical Industries, manufacturers of lightbulbs, radios and televisions, and Electric and Musical Industries, with interests in film distribution, television and music. The two demerged in 1996.